Hantek DRC Converter

Hantek oscilloscope 6000 series drc file converter to text data (csv).

Standart Hantek program can record osc data to .drc file. But you can process it only with the Hantek program. So, it isn't possible to use recorded data with Exel, Matlab, etc.
This program helps you to display OSC data and covert .drc files to text csv format.

Hantek DRC Converter picture

Hantek DRC Converter GitHub Repo Download

FIFO/LIFO buffer library

Simple and lightweight FIFO\LIFO buffer library for the Arduino and ESP boards.

It is a simple lightweight FIFO buffer library for the Arduino. It is written in C++, and can easily be modified to work with other platforms.
It can buffer any fixed size object (ints, floats, structs, etc...).

FIFO buffer picture

FIFObuf GitHub Repo Arduino page

DWIN Display library

Advanced ESP32 Libabry for DWIN DGUS T5L HMI Displays.

It is unofficial library for the DWIN DGUS Displays with extended features for ESP32.
Does not block execution of other code. Sends and receives data as fast as possible.

DWIN Display

DWIN2 GitHub Repo

AS5600 library

ESP32 Arduino library for AS5600 and AS5600L Magnetic Encoder.

Work with signals from I2C bus, work with signals from analog(PWM) pin, configure all AS5600 registers, get the Raw Angle, get the Deg Angle, get the Rotation Speed, check the magnet, get magnetic intensity, filter input signals.
Two AS5600 update modes: timer interrupts for ESP32 and loop updates for arduino, esp8266 or ESP32.

AS5600 GitHub Repo

yaWebSerial library

Yet another web serial library for communication with ESP32 Serial through WiFI.

My implementation of the web serial terminal. Features:
- use events;
- doesn't use gzip for html page (you can simple edit web interface to your taste);
- stable operation;

yaWebSerial web interface

yaWebSerial GitHub Repo

Art-Net Audio Player

Simple, free, crossplatform Art-Net timecode audio player.

It is simple, crossplatform audio player, that can send Art-Net Timecode synchronizing with playing time of the audio file. I don't have enough time to maintain this project at the moment, I hope to come back to it later.

Art-Net Timecode Player interface

ANet Player GitHub Repo WebSite